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(843) 483-5838
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Cognitive Dysfunction Screen
Owner Information
Owner Name
Owner Email
Pet Name
Question Fields
Locomotory/ambulatory assessment
Select one
No alterations or debilities noted
Modest slowness associated with change from youth to adult
Moderate slowness associated with geriatric aging
Moderate slowness associated with geriatric aging plus alteration or debility in gait
Moderate slowness associated with geriatric aging plus some loss of function (e.g., cannot climb stairs)
Severe slowness associated with extreme loss of function, particularly on slick surfaces (may need to be carried)
Severe slowness, extreme loss of function, and decreased willingness or interest in locomoting (spends most of time in bed)
Paralyzed or refuses to move
Appetite assessment
Select all that apply
No alterations in appetite
Change in ability to physically handle food
Change in ability to retain food (vomits or regurgitates)
Change in ability to find food
Change in interest in food (may be olfactory, having to do with the ability to smell)
Change in rate of eating
Change in completion of eating
Change in timing of eating
Change in preferred textures
Assessment of elimination function
Change in frequencies of "accidents"
Select one
No change in frequency and no "accidents"
Increased frequency, no "accidents"
Decreased frequency, no "accidents"
Increased frequency with "accidents"
Decreased frequency with "accidents"
No change in frequency, but "accidents"
Bladder control
Select one
Leaks urine when asleep, only
Leaks urine when awake, only
Leaks urine when awake or asleep
Full-stream, uncontrolled urination when asleep, only
Full-stream, uncontrolled urination when awake, only
Full-stream, uncontrolled urination when awake or asleep
No leakage or uncontrolled urination, all urination controlled, but in an inappropriate or undesirable location
No change in urination control or behavior
Bowel control
Select one
Defecates when asleep
Defecates without apparent awareness
Defecates when awake and aware of action, but in inappropriate or undesirable locations
No changes in bowel control
Type of bowel if this occurs please
Formed stool
Visual acuity- how well do you think your pet sees?
Select one
No change in visual acuity detected by behavior- appears to see as well as ever
Some change in acuity not dependent on ambient light conditions
Some change in acuity dependent on ambient light conditions
Extreme change in acuity not dependent on ambient light conditions
Extreme change in acuity dependent on ambient light conditions
Auditory acuity- how well do you think your pet hears?
Select one
No apparent change in auditory acuity
Some decrement in hearing- not responding to sounds to which your pet used to respond
Extreme decrement in hearing- have to make sure your pet is paying attention or repeat signal or go get your pet when called.
Deaf- no response to sounds of any kind
Play interactions- If your pet plays with toys, which situation best describes that play?
Select one
No change in play with toys
Slightly decreased interest in toys, only
Slightly decreased ability to play with toys, only
Slightly decreased interest and ability to play with toys
Extreme decrease interest in toys, only
Extreme decreased ability to play with toys, only
Extreme decreased interest and ability to play with toys
Interactions with humans- which situation best describes that interaction?
Select one
No change in interactions with people
Recognizes people but slightly decreased frequency of interaction
Recognizes people but greatly decreased frequency of interaction
Withdrawal but recognizes people
Does not recognize people
Interactions with other pets- which situation best describes that interaction?
Select one
No change in interaction with other pets
Recognizes other pets but slightly decreased frequency of interaction
Recognizes other pets but greatly decreased frequency of interaction
Withdrawal but recognizes other pets
Does not recognize other pets
No other pets or animal companions in house or social environment
Changes in sleep/ wake cycle
Select one
No changes in sleep patterns
Sleeps more in day, only
Some change- awakens at night and sleeps more in day
Much change- profoundly erratic nocturnal pattern and irregular daytime pattern
Sleeps virtually all day, awake occasionally at night
Sleeps almost around the clock
Is there anything else you think we should know?
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